Monday, January 14, 2013

Monga, or Hunger Months

Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord: Amos 8:11

In Bangladesh, there is flooding that prevents the raising of food for many people. It lasts about six months, and many die. A wise person thought of the ancient Inca practice of floating gardens. People were told, gather big sticks, make rafts, put smaller sticks on them, then straw, then soil. You can garden during the flood season and live.

Many applied this advice. They made floating gardens and raised their food. Some waded to the garden beds. Others poled boats to them. They not only fed themselves, but had extra food to sell in the market place. The Monga, or time of hunger was over for them. They passed from death to life.

Isn't it wonderful that a practice from another culture and many years in the past, saved lives? Don't you love how well these people listened and embraced the advice that saved them? Now that I am old, I have turned away from people who will not hear the wonderful Word of God. I have no desire to witness to those who refuse to hear.

Wise people learned to build the floating gardens. They didn't need any pleading. Those who were hungry listened to life saving truth.

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