Friday, June 5, 2015

When Scientists Become Foolish Children

Who am I to make such a broad indictment? Certainly scientists are making wonderful discoveries as they gather more data and specialize in their individual fields.

Let me give you my reason for saying this. While they become "more expert", they are leaving out God. Have I conducted a poll of scientists world wide? Of course not. But name a scientist who is known as a Christian. Once they all were.

A great change in the field of Geology came when catastrophists became uniformatarians. Now every kid knows the earth is billions of years old and the evolutionary rise of man from inert matter took millions of years. Imagine trying to get an advanced degree in the earth sciences while proclaiming that mankind was created by God about 6,000 years ago.

I know there are scientist who are believers, but name one. Dr. Henry Morris was one and published extensively, but he did so after he saw the light.

When I took a course (one little course) in geology, my professor told us that the men in this field can no longer communicate with one another. They have become way too specialized for that.

Let me say, that regardless of their learning or their faith, most are slaves to their employers. In the early years of science, scientists were independent of such constraints and were educated in universities where the Christian faith was promoted or at least tolerated.

In crude terms, most scientist are non-believers or believers who are "job scared" into silence. Anyone can look into the history of science and see the change. We have gone from Baron Cuvier to Darwin.

Do I lament this? Not at all. Let the world go its wayward way. I care the same about the world as it cares about me.

Christians who believe the experts, who know more and more about less and less (and this includes "leaders" of churches), are themselves fulfilling Bible prophecy in their cowardice and unbelief.

Am I anti-science? No, I love it.

But the world view of science in general leads nowhere. It describes a course that it is seeing unfold, yet are unable to comprehend or alter. The Bible's truth will prevail. It is unfolding now, and so blatantly that the doomed world has begun using the term "apocalyptic". Such an unscientific term!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kay. Might as well comment now that I'm here. Thank you for the link by the way. The Last Robin asks us to name scientists who are Christian. I can think of a few off the top of my head - Stephen Meyer, Douglas Axe, Michael Behe, the brilliant James Tour who was born and raised as a Jew. We have to remember that science flourished in Christendom, the "warfare hypothesis" that there is an inherent conflict between science and religion is illusory. Science is simply knowledge, truth claims that are demonstrably objectively true by the tools of science, the scientific method. God is truth; to seek truth is to seek God, to seek God is to seek truth. We are told now that there is no absolute objective truth, only "interpretations", each as valid as the next. The very idea of objective truth is under assault (as I pointed out to one of my philosophy instructors, the statement, "there are no objective absolute truths" must necessarily include the absolute truth that there are no absolute truths. The statement therefore, if true, must be false) Without objective truth there is no science. This is the objective of the Darkness - the sleep of reason
