Monday, November 17, 2014

As Old as the Hills

He stood, and shook the earth; he looked, and made the nations tremble. The ancient mountains crumbled and the age-old hills collapsed--but he marches on forever. Habakkuk 3:6

Just how old are the hills? An online search says the earth is 4.54 billion years old. I wonder how the all-wise ones figured it out to two decimal places? Were there mountains in the original creation? Or did they come about as a result of the flood?

In geology class we learned that there are two kinds of mountains, volcanic and upthrust. Fuji is a perfect example of a volcanic cone, so symmetrical, and so Japanese. Of course the Rockies are upthrust.

On our honeymoon my wife and I drove through the Rockies. There was an area to pull off so the geo types could take pictures of some tilted bedding planes. These are considered as unusual to some people, though they exist in many places. But almost all consider mountains as very, very old.

When Noah's ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat, the highest land in the time of the flood, where was Everest? Could it be that Everest was formed after the flood? Absolutely.

Atop the highest mountains we find fossils from the sea bed. Even the most ardent evolutionist does not claim that these creatures climbed up there. So the mountains rose up, taking the fossils with them, after the flood.

The great hydrologist Henry Morris, co-author of The Genesis Flood, writes that the geologic strata and the upthrust mountains were formed by the flood, when incredible amounts of water pressed down upon the earth. This really bothers many geologists. It's way too recent. Billions of years are needed for man to have evolved.

But, increasingly, people are catching on. The Biblical time-line is being proven to be true. The Earth is not billions of years old, so neither are the hills.

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