Monday, March 30, 2015

Another Attack on the Scofield Bible

I talk about this a lot, don't I? But this great teaching tool constantly comes under attack.

Recently, I read of the Scofield being responsible for the rise of Zionism. Just the opposite is true, of course. The dispensations outlined in this wonderful book show that this present age is the time when God is calling out a people for His name. This is the Church Age.

The first church council (in Acts 15) reveals that Israel will be restored, but only after the church is complete. This is just the reverse of what Zionists believe. They promote the present restoration of Israel, since 1948. To enforce their stand, Zionists are slaughtering innocent Palestinians.

There are many attacks on the Scofield Bible. Yet I have not seen even one that quotes any offending passages from it. So where in the Scofield Study Bible does it promote Zionism? Can its critics not show us at lease one place where it does?

Rather, they attack Scofield himself. This is like rejecting the book of Psalms because of David's sins.

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